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Thursday, January 21, 2010

How Media Operates

Digital distribution will eventually, I believe, take over television, music and radio. In "The Long Tail" article by Chris Anderson, he is wanting to get the message out about digital distribution and the effect it is going to have on us. He talks about hit-driven economics, which is a period where we lack shelf space, dvd's and cd's are being produced at a fast pace and we have no space for them (Anderson,2004). When Chris Anderson talks about shelf space in "The Long Tail" video, he is talking about the fact that television and stores only have so much space to place their inventory. But when you think about Netflix or other online dvd rental sites, they almost have infinite "shelf space". They have the capacity to store thousands upon thousands of dvd's that normally are not going to be available to people walking into dvd rental stores. So when your looking for an almost obsolete dvd that has not been found anywhere you turn to the internet, because the internet has almost anything and everything and it is at the click of a button. Chris Anderson also talks about in his video of "The Long Tail", the powerlaw, which relies on the 80/20 rule, for example, he states that 20% of the population had 80% of the land (Anderson, 2006). So it means that there is alot of land that is divided up between that 20% and that there is only so much land and only so many people. This falls back to having enough shelf space, there is only so much space and alot of dvd's. It is amazing to me that Netflix, as Chris Anderson mentions in his video of "The Long Tail", carries more movies than Blockbuster (Anderson, 2006). To me it seems that since blockbuster has been around for so long that it would ultimately have more titles that Netflix. But again this probably relates again to shelf space.
In the article "The Long Tail", also by Chris Anderson, he writes that you need at least 1500 people to come see a movie in the theatre in order to pay for the rent for that screen, or you need to sell at least two cd's per year for that artist in order to make it worth carrying in the store (Anderson, 2004) This is in the favor of online companies because if the movie theatre or music store can't stay open, it means more business for them!! They now have more people visiting their sites to purchase from them. Also it is becoming more convenient to purchase online and at home instead of having to drive somewhere to get the same thing you can purchase online and for possibly cheaper than in the store.
If you are wondering what "The Long Tail" is, it is a way of telling you that there is far more inventory being sold online than in stores (See attached Graph).
One big downfall to digital distribution is the fact that there are probably going to be more lawsuits, due to the copyright agreements. In an article I read on the website "CNET", it states that Grooveshark, an online record company is being sued by Universal Music Group because Universal Music Group is saying that Grooveshark has illegal copies of songs (Rosoff, 2010). This it seems is going to be the biggest problem. Companies out there are going to get a hold of legal and illegal copies of movies and music so that they can go back and sell them and in return make money. There will have to be closer monitoring if possible on digital distribution. Also I think that having enough shelf space could hurt current businesses. They are competing with online businesses that have an infinite amount of it. There is really no way of a music store today to be able to hold as many music cd's that an online store can, their store would be huge and hard to manage. Although it may not be impossible, but it would be hard to accomplish.

The Long Tail

Full-size image

Here is a link if you would like more information on Digital Distribution.....


Anderson, Chris. (2004). "The Long Tail". WIRED Magazine, Issue 12.10. Retrieved from http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/12.10/tail.html?pg=2&topic=tail&topic_set=.

Anderson, Chris. (2006). "Identifying The Long Tail". [Video File]. Video Posted to

Rosoff, M. (2010). "Grooveshark Sued by Another Record Company". CNET News. Retrieved from

"The Long Tail". (2004) [Graphical illustration]. Retrieved from


  1. This book and the concept of the Long Tail really helps to understand why so so many of the movie theatres, drive-in movie theatres and even some bookstores and music stores are closing their doors and some vanishing from existence. I only know of one drive in theatre left in this area of southeast Michigan.

    I also thought that Blockbuster and/or Hollywood Video would have movies that were not available at smaller companies. I have not had the luck I had expected when visting either of these video stores. I found Netflix and I am in heaven. I also found Amazon which is another wonderful place to shop. I love the Long Tail.

    I do see this way of distribution will be a negative to some people who are not computer saavy. Thinking about how I use to listen to 8 tracks and cassettes for music and LP's and 45's - I feel ancient!

  2. I agree that it may be easier for people to shop online if the items that they are looking for isn't available at there local stores. But, I also see a lot of heavy young people whom do not get enough exercise like my generation did; because instead of playing outside with their imaginations until the lamp post lights or street lights came on this has led to obseity in children as young as seven. I think the internet is a very viable tool and should be used with caution and more laws need to be instilled to protect people and companies from online theft. For instance, the terrible tragety in Haiti where unscrupolus people made bogus charity sites to rip people off with honorable intentions. I think that social-media sites are interesting; and I have tried to make myself a facebook site and I am still having problems with it registering after I recieved the email confirmation number. But, I think that some people give out way to much personal information about themselves on these social sites (especially children) and this has led to pedefiles and other weirdos to commit crimes that sometimes leads to death. I am glad that at times I can purchase items that I cannot find elsewhere online, but I still prefer to feel and see what I purchase.

  3. Oh by the way my blog site address is www.thefutureoftheworldwideweb.blogspot.com/ Thanks suzanne

  4. I loved how you discussed how this whole new world of distribution opens up a whole new world of copyright law. I'll be interested to see how that all pans out. Great analysis!

  5. Excellent job on your blog! I am however surprised a little that you think Blockbuster would have more titles just because it's been around longer. I totally understand where you're coming from in that you would think it should but doesn't because as you stated shelf space. When you think about it, Netflix has a warehouse full of dvds whereas Blockbuster only has the shelf in their stores. A question for thought would be how would Blockbuster do if they set up such an online website like Netflix? I think the benefits would be huge, to have both an online and physical store would be so beneficial when it comes to reaching niches.You did a wonderful job explaining "The Long Tail" and made it very clear for someone to understand what it is.

  6. The only point I would make is that I dont think digital distribution will take over completely and we will lose our TV, Radio, and other media outlets but rather they will be incorporated into this distribution in a new way. I look at the PS3 and Xbox for example. These gaming systems have brought the ability to access digital distribution to our TV s directly, I can simply download a netflix movie and watch on my home TV. Pretty soon I feel our TV s will be more than just a TV that is hooked up to a cable provider but more a computer device that allows us to access all types of media through our television sets.

  7. Nicole: You've done a great job of getting others to engage on your blog. You also did a good job of laying out Chris Anderson's ideas.

    I'd like to see more of your original thoughts using your critical thinking skills about what this all means. What does this do for media in the future?

    Also, to be clear, the 80/20 rule simply states that 80% of stuff is usually controlled by only 20% of the people. So, in music the top 20% of artist make virtually all the money.

    The Long Tail is turning the 80/20 rule upside down. Soon it may be all of the millions of smaller artists each selling only a few albums who will account for the majority of sales. Look out Lady Gaga.
