Ok, I had to think about this assignment before starting it. This may sound strange to you but I was thinking that the internet was journalism so how can one survive the other one? Its the same thing..... So here is the tid bits of information I present to you on this topic of journalism vs. the internet.
Journalism is in plain words, reporting the news. When you add the internet to the mix then traditional newspaper reporting gets pushed to the side. The internet is making newspapers disappear like there is no tomorrow. For example the Ann Arbor news now only prints their edition of the newspaper on Thursday and Sunday (AnnArbor.com).
Depending on who you talk to they will tell you either yes, the internet is hurting journalism or no, it is not hurting it but helping it. According to the website The Atlantic, it says that the internet "has mortally wounded the financial structure of the news business so that the cost of doing challenging, independent reporting has become all but prohibitive all over the world. It has blurred the line between opinion and fact and created a dynamic in which extreme thought flourishes while balanced judgment is imperiled.” I agree that it has taken away from the news business, but I have to say that it is much more accessible to people. I also have to think about quality control as I would call it, the range of quality on the internet is bigger than the range in a typical printed newspaper. The internet you would have numerous amounts of people posting to the site, whereas the newspaper would be much more limited. Another group of people that is for journalism being on the internet is Reuters. This website says that journalism will survive, " it will thrive. It will thrive as creators and publishers embrace the collaborative power of new technologies, retool production and distribution strategies and we stop trying to do everything ourselves."
Continuing on....Journalism is about reporting the news, like I said above. But what about when ordinary citizens what to report what is happening in the community or around the world? This is called Citizen Journalism and it's when the citizens play an active role in reporting or analyzing the news (Wikipedia). So that means that you or I can go out and report on the topics that interest us. We can even create blogs and use Twitter!
(Click here for more info on this topic and to learn how to get started in Citizen Journalism)

Businesses are adapting to digital media by means of the consumer...they are trying to meet the needs and demands of us. And by doing this they are getting the competitors advantage. Consumers are adapting to digital media by using online resources for news. They are now looking for online newspapers and blogs to keep up to date on events and things happening around the world and in their neighborhood. New forms of digital media are appearing everywhere, on the internet they are appearing as chronicles, like the Ann Arbor Chronicle, or they are appearing as blogs. People are using the internet to expand their readers.


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